Statement on Debate and Supreme Court Decision from NFRA President Alex Johnson

As President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, I am thrilled to reaffirm our steadfast support for President Donald Trump, the candidate unanimously endorsed by our delegates at last year's national convention.

The recent debate underscored Joe Biden's inability to engage intelligently on critical issues, and his absolute incompetence, revealing the Democrats' blatant disregard for the American people.

Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to shield President Trump from politically driven prosecutions is a resounding victory for our constitutional checks and balances. While no one is above the law, it is crucial that the law is not weaponized to punish individuals for their beliefs. Our commitment to justice and fairness remains unwavering, and we stand united in our defense of these fundamental principles.




The best symbol of the grassroots worker I can think of is the Republican Assembly...[NFRA's] thousands of dedicated men and women are the ones who turn all those modernistic campaign devices into real votes.
— President Ronald Reagan
The NFRA is a grassroots organization committed to helping our state Republican Assemblies reform the Republican Party to achieve their goal of a constitutional government. If you believe in small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and Constitutional values, then the NFRA is for you.

Our aim is to Reclaim the Republican Party for Conservatives, Reform the Party back to its Conservative Values, and Restore Republicans faith in the GOP. We don't need a third party. We need to return the Republican Party to its pro-Constitution roots.

We are the  Republican wing of the Republican Party, the home of the Frederick Douglass Republicans, and "The conscience of the Republican Party." President Ronald Reagan. Founded in 1934 some have called the TEA Party before there was a TEA Party. We support true Republican candidates, endorse in primaries and work to restore the Republican Party to the values and principles of the Party of Reagan.

So join the NFRA today!

Our Statement of Principles


Although the world changes around us, and presidents come and go, the NFRA withstands the test of time.


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