Our credentials run deep with Phyllis Schlafly, president and founder of Eagle Forum, and President Ronald Reagan as past members.
The 2016 presidential election demonstrated what can happen when we join forces. Ronald Reagan admonished us to focus on the 80% with which we agree and not the 20% on which we disagree. Imagine what we could achieve if we continue the overwhelming consensus that shook the nation in the 2016 election.
If you are ready to help take America back to its Constitutional roots then please join us!
The 2016 presidential election demonstrated what can happen when we join forces. Ronald Reagan admonished us to focus on the 80% with which we agree and not the 20% on which we disagree. Imagine what we could achieve if we continue the overwhelming consensus that shook the nation in the 2016 election.
If you are ready to help take America back to its Constitutional roots then please join us!